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Think twice before you speak.. - Napoleon Hill
However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. - Stephen Hawking Like, comment, & follow us for...
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職場制勝 | 如何成為A111: 心態篇
有follow開JupCV嘅搵工仔應該知道, JupCV嘅正職係做獵頭,我哋過往10年喺全球四大上市獵頭公司工作嘅時候,每日都會見唔同嘅求職者,亦有一套評分嘅機制,高分嘅求職者就更加容易配對到好嘅公司。 作為求職者,當然希望自己嘅評分越來越高,咁樣喺獵頭嘅心目中無論係幫你嗌...
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的士行業反映香港求職市場? - JupCV 執CV
【吹水POST - 的士行業反映香港求職市場?】 搵工仔們, 你哋好呀! 呢幾日我哋執CV好充實呀, 同唔同行業嘅搵工仔做Consultation同幫佢地執靚CV,加上最近又係搵工嘅Peak Season,如果有諗緊搵工嘅搵工仔可以好好把握呢幾個月嘅黃金時間喇! ~~...
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Happy Easter Sunday!
Happy Easter Sunday Everyone. May this Easter fill your hearts with unforgettable joy! - JupCV Team #Easter#Easter2022#EasterSunday#HeIsR...
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JupCV CV Tailoring & Job Search Consultation Package
JupCV CV Tailoring & Job Search Consultation Package Our JupCV package has supported more than 90% of our clients in securing interviews...
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However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. - Stephen H.
However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. - Stephen Hawking Like, comment, & follow us for...
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5個職場致勝技巧 手把手教你如何建立成功事業(PART 1)
5個職場致勝技巧 手把手教你如何建立成功事業(PART 1) 1. 了解你的價值 你比你想像中更好,了解自己的價值,在職場上好好發揮。 2. 避免八卦 尊重他人,避免負面、專注積極正面的對話。 3. 提前到達會議室 預留適當時間,隨了可以做好心理準備,還可保持專注力。 4....
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Desire is the key to motivation
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to...
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2022年香港金融業面臨 人才緊縮及招聘趨勢
2022年香港金融業面臨 人才緊縮及招聘趨勢 由於新冠肺炎疫情和嚴格的檢疫政策,更多外籍人士考慮離開香港,全球金融機構、資產管理和公司律師事務所在年終獎金後面臨更多員工離職。另一方面,人力市場對財富和資產管理專業人士的需求不斷增長,因此預計2022年人才問題將更加嚴峻。...
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We would like to invite you to think of one challenge you have solved this week.
Happy Friday! This week we would like to invite you to think of one challenge you have solved this week. 1...2...3... Excellent. What...
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CV Translation 專業CV翻譯服務
CV Translation 專業CV翻譯服務 Q: 執好左份英文CV,但HR想要埋中文CV,JupCV可以幫到手嗎? A: 當然可以啦,就算唔係我哋JupCV嘅客戶,如果你有需要翻譯中或英文CV,都可以搵我哋報價,價錢按字數、年資制定,以較低者為準,我哋亦提供中文COVE...
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What are the benefits of a professionally written CV?
Q: What are the benefits of a professionally written CV? A: When you engage in our cv writing service, you're investing in a more...
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Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier
Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier Like, comment, & follow us for more resume tips and...
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Why Should You Choose JupCV?
Why Should You Choose JupCV? At JupCV, we focus on supporting you in searching for the right position for your long term career...
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If there's one thing you can improve in your job, what would it be?
Happy Friday! If there's one thing you can improve in your job, what would it be? 1...2...3... Great. It's time to think of how to...
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Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill Like, comment, & follow us for...
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JupCV 職涯輔導 Career Coaching
JupCV 職涯輔導 Career Coaching - 搵到好工後,如何在新公司建立成功嘅事業呢? - 已經去到公司架構嘅頂層,如何在事業上更上一層樓呢? - 個個都叫我搵工,但我係咪應該在呢個時侯搵工呢? 服務範圍及特點: 1....
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Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill Like, comment, & follow us for...
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JupCV Client Testimonial
Thanks for our client's testimonial! We wish you every success in your career! ------------------------------------- Contact JupCV for a...
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Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. - Albert Schweitzer
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert...
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