[JupCV執CV - 5個寫CV小TIPS]
1. 聯絡資料唔好錯
Always ensure contact details are correct before sending out CV
2. 保障番個人資料防外洩
Protect your confidential information, do not put your HKID number, Passport number, Bank Account details in your CV
3. 寫清楚入職、離職、學歷月份年份
Double-check employment periods, years of graduation are correctly stated in your CV FORMAT
4. 要簡潔、唔好太COLORFUL
CV format should be simple and clear, too colourful layout will make employer hard to focus on your experience CV
5. 最緊要寫得清晰、唔好糾結頁數
Don't limit your CV to one page, even if you're a fresh graduate, if you have relevant experience, share it on your CV!
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