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How to stay positive during challenging times? An article dedicated to job seekers during COVID.

Hello everyone, how are you?

This month has been a real challenge for many job seekers; many companies are also struggling in Hong Kong because of the 5th wave of COVID-19 hitting.

Founded during the 3rd wave of COVID, JupCV deeply understands how challenging it is for job seekers to seek their dream job. That's why today, JupCV would like to share how to maintain our positive mindset during hard times.

How to stay positive?

1. Stop and think

Now, let our minds rest up a little bit. Sometimes when our energy level is low, we can't even think; our mind may be full of fears or doubts in our abilities, and it's a sign to stop, breathe, let ourselves relax. Nothing is more important than yourself. Do something you enjoy, be healthy, be safe... sit down, relax, and let's begin the journey together.

2. Understand what's going on?

What are the challenges you're facing now? How are you feeling? What are your fears? What's happening that is different from the past? When did it happen? Why is it happening?

Let's start by finding out what happens, for example; your challenge is not getting interviews? How are you feeling? What do you think are the reasons? When did you start applying? How many applications?

Start by writing down essential information and quantify it for your precise self-reflection and analysis in the next step.

3. Face the reality, live with it.

Whatever you are facing or feeling right now. Accept it; challenges may not be solved in one day or two days... so start accepting what you're facing and tell yourself, it's OK, everything will be alright in the end.

4. Write down what you're facing and what's the one thing, or more than one thing you can do to make it "just a little bit" better.

Start by thinking just one action that you can potentially take; you can set a target to think of 1 or 2 steps, and once you've thought of it, call it a day and thank yourself for starting planning.

Sometimes, when facing challenges, we tend to think further and forget to start small; let's start small and slowly gain our confidence back.

6. Talk to someone you trust, ask for their advice (or brainstorm with them)

Find someone you trust and talk about it; that person can be your coach, or your friend, or your mentor... ask for their advice and add your thoughts on it. (remember, you are the one who decides what's your action plan and your life... be confident in yourself and trust instinct.)

One note: Find someone who's open-minded and not judging. You don't need someone to give you more negative feedback or doubt you at any time in your life.

7. Have a good sleep, every tomorrow is a new start

Now, thank yourself for making such efforts in planning, and enjoy the day. You don't have to do it right now, you can start tomorrow. Every tomorrow is a new day, no matter how you're feeling right now, it goes away when you have enough rest. When the sun comes up, it's a new day and a perfect day to start...

8. Do the one step you have thought of, and start making good things happen

Good morning! Let's start with completing that one step you thought of. After completion, give yourself a big tick in your planner and thank yourself for starting to make things happen. And start writing down your next action plan. Focus and walk towards your goal.

It's not easy to overcome challenges, but JupCV is always here with you; follow us for positive quotes, motivation, inspiration, and believe in yourself that you can do whatever you want to achieve.

Stay safe, take care. JupCV wishes you all the best in your career journey!

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