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2021.11.14 1000 follower’s milestone achieved!


2021.11.14 1000 follower’s milestone achieved!

Thank you for supporting JupCV, and let us support you on your job search as well. Searching for a good job is never easy. Actually, searching for anything good is never easy too. It takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of waiting, and courage to face failures and get back up again. Sometimes, we blame ourselves for not finding what we want, and we forget to sit back, relax, and redirect ourselves in the right direction.

So, if you’re facing this challenge today, no matter what you’re searching for, let’s take some time to celebrate this milestone with us, and let us be the example for you that anything could happen if you are persistent enough, 1000 followers are like impossible for us when we first started, thank you for following us, and we hope you can find positive vibes and gain your confidence again when you see our posts!


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